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Setting Labels to a GridPane in JavaFx

I have a GridPane called matrix in a FXML file, and in the controller I am adding a label to each cell of the GridPane, however I am not able to center that label in the GridPane. I have tried setting all kinds of alignments. Here is some of my code: This is all in a for loop by the way

for (int i = 0; i < label.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < label[i].length; j++) {
               label[i][j] = new Label();
               label[i][j].setText("" + randomNumber);
               matrix.add(label[i][j], j, i);

How would I horizontally center the label in matrix cell. Please Help. Thank you!


GridPane.setHalignment(label[i][j], HPos.CENTER);

( Javadocs )

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