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CKEditor plugin - Proper way to iterate multiple DOM elements for selected text

I have the following selected text in CKEditor plugin.

monkey needs <span answer="banana">food</span> today

I can retrieve the banana using the following code

editor.on( 'dialogShow', function( dialogShowEvent )
    var selection = editor.getSelection();
    if (selection) {
        var selectedElement = selection.getSelectedElement();
        // http://ckeditor.com/forums/Support/GetSelectedElement-returns-null-IE-and-Chrome-BUG
        if (selectedElement == null) {
            // I have no idea whether this is a correct workaround? Just pray...
            selectedElement = selection.getStartElement();
        if (selectedElement == null) {

        // Yes :)
        var banana = selectedElement.getAttribute('answer');

However, the code will break, if our selected text is

monkey needs <span answer="banana"><strong>food</strong></span> today

May I know what is the correct way to iterate through DOM element of selected text? I expect we have something like getSelectedElements (Plural). But, I can't find one.

If you want to check all elements starting from selection.getStartElement() down to editor.editable() , then you can use the dom.elementPath .

var elementPath = editor.elementPath();
var answerElement = elementPath.contains( function( el ) {
    return el.hasAttribute( 'answer' );
} );

If, on the other hand, you want to traverse the DOM tree in DFS order (source order), then you will want to use the dom.walker :

var range = sel.getRanges()[ 0 ],
    walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ),

while ( ( node = walker.next() ) ) {
    // .. do something

Depending on a case you may want to do dozen of other things, so I can't describe all of them. There's many methods for in the dom.range class, dom.element or dom.iterator .

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