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How to get if a code exist in parse.com?

I have a problem, I have this structure in parse.com in "VerificationCode" db:


When someone inserts a code in my app, it automatically adds in the "attachedUser" column the id of the user who is stored locally and I call it "ParseInstallObject.codigo2" and I get the id of the user for example to see it in a textview, etc.

The problem is that I want to check if the user id exists in parse or not; and if it exists do something or if not exist do another thing.

I used a code that I see in the documentation of parse.com but it always shows that the code exists. This is my code:

 ParseQuery<ParseObject> query2 = ParseQuery.getQuery("VerificationCode");
    query2.whereEqualTo("attachedUser", ParseInstallObject.codigo2);
    query2.findInBackground(new FindCallback<ParseObject>() {
        public void done(List<ParseObject> scoreList, ParseException e) {
            if (e == null) {

            } else {
                comprobar.setText("no exist");
                comprobar2.setText("no exist");


How can I see if the user has a valid code or not?

e==null means that the call was successfully completed by the server. It does not imply that the user exists or not.
if(scoreList == null || scoreList.isEmpty()){
 // The user does not exist.
// the user exists.
}else {
// You have an exception (like HTTPTimeout, etc). Handle it as per requirement.

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