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How to check ECDSA (on p-256) signature using public key from certificate

I have certificate and ECDSA (on p-256) signature. Now i want to verify this signature using provided certificate. I use c++ (on Windows). Managed code (.NET) can't be used. I found that CryptoAPI doesn'r support ECDSA, so i should use CryptoAPI NG (CNG). However i can't find how to import public key from certificate to the CNG.

Can you help with my problem? Thanks

Issue was solved. I use OpenSSL for this purpose.

"The CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx2 function imports a public key into the CNG asymmetric provider..."

My C may be a bit off, but I believe it to be something like

BOOL imported = CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx2(

if (!imported)
    goto :err;

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