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Generic Compound Types in C#

I have the generic types A<T> and B<T> and now I want to construct the type C<T> : A<B<T>> which as you can see is a very specific kind of A<T> .

It tried defining C just like that but I get

The type `A<B<T>>' does not contain a constructor that takes `0' arguments

Just in case I built the constructor

public C () {}

but I still get the error.

Note: This is an abstraction of the problem. Assume that A and B have a constructor with the form

public A/B (T t)

Your generic type declaration is okay, but your parameterless constructor doesn't have a counterpart in A<T> .

You should call the base class' constructor with the parameters it requires.

Something like:

public C() : base("param1", "param2", 3)

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