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Facebook needs PHP Curl Extension issue with php.ini file

I am trying to setup a local version of a website that I can do some testing on. Currently when I open the site in my browser I get this php error:

( ! ) Exception: Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension. in C:\\wamp\\www\\mysie.tld\\includes\\facebook-graph\\base_facebook.php on line 19

So I did a bit of reading up and saw that this was most likely due to my WAMP server not having the extension enabled for PHP. I did a phpinfo() and this output the .ini file that was being loaded.


I opened this file up in my text editor and removed the semi colon before this line:


I then restarted the WAMP Server and reloaded my site. Unfortunately, the error persisted and I do not know what I can do to fix it! Any help would be much appreciated.

Managed to figure it out with a quick scan through some similar questions on SO. If anyone is running into the same issue it was due to a bug in the curl.dll file that came with WAMP 2.2 . In order to rectify the issue I downloaded the php_curl-5.4.3-VC9x64.zip from this link:


I then moved and replaced the curl.dll file in the downloaded folder with the curl.dll file located in my php ext directory.

Restarted WAMP and the problem was resolved.

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