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Hibernate session error in Vaadin

I´m developing a Vaadin webapp using JPAContainer with hibernate 4.3. I followed the instructions of this link and implemented EntityManager-per-Request pattern successfully. That means the lazy loading works well with JPAContainer

However, every time I need to use pure JPA, it fails to lazy loads.

Here is an example code:

 try {

    List<SubEntity> subEntitiesList = myEntity.getCollectionOfEntities(); //Fails to load

    for (SubEntity subEntity : subEntitiesList) {
} catch (Exception ex) {

//datasource is JPAContainer<MyEntity>  type

I have tried this solutions:

  1. Use hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans It opened an session automatically, but it gave a serious warning:

    "Unable to close temporary session used to load lazy collection associated to no session"

Also, when I remove the Entity from the JPAContainer, I receive an error: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist

Can someone give me some hints on how to deal with this problem?

I see two approaches.

Merge the changes of a detached entity to database

Just merge the entity and operate on the managed value.

Entity managed = em.merge(entity);

for (SubEntity sub : managed.getSubEntities()) {

Resolve lazy proxies without touching the DB

Find the entity by ID and copy properties to the detached entity.

Entity managed = em.find(entity.getClass(), entity.getId());

For the second option I wrote a generic utility method to initialize detached entities to some depth that maybe you would find it useful.

// initialize lazy collections and collection elements
JpaUtils.initialize(em, entity, 2);

See JpaUtils for source code.

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