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Novice: Cakephp2 conditions

Hi I'm new to cakephp2 and mysql and I'm here to find some tips and help.

The problem is that I've set the value as 0 to store it in the database:


I made a function that will check if the data is zero or not like:


I want to compare the data from the database that has been stored as the int with 0 , however, this does not work.

Sorry for my bad English, to make it simple I want to compare the data from the database with a int in cakephp2/php, if comparing with 0 should I use is_null,empty or use just === 0 for simple comparison?

You can check it like this:

if( (int) $data[0]['data'] === 0){
    //your code here

As stated by Scopey in the comments you probably returned a string '0', not the integer 0.

if( $data[0]['data'] == 0 ){ //equal to zero



if( $data[0]['data'] != 0 ){ //Not equal to zero

}else{ // equal to zero


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