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MATLAB: changes in vector elements

I have a some vectors of different large sizes and their value is between 0 and 1 . I want to save those indices of elements which there would be any changes in decimal. For an small example, let's assume


Now the ouptput for this should be as


Would you please let me know how it can be done?

count = arrayfun(@(x) regexp(num2str(x),'\.','split'),V, 'UniformOutput', false)
dp = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x) length(x{2}),count, 'UniformOutput', false))

I did it this way. First I split the numbers and next i find the length of the second term and lastly, I find whether the length is different from its previous..

As suggested by @Luis Mendo (including his suggestion with removing ~= 0 ), here the comment as answer. You can use the logarithm function to determine your number of decimals for you.

i = find(diff(floor(log10(V))))+1

Be sure to use floor to have integer values you can compare to 0.

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