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Check existence of an element in a nested javascript object array

I'm getting a Javascript object in the following format

"Alerts": [{
        "Name": "...",
        "Type": "Warning",
        "Message": "...",
        "Time": "..."
        "Name": "...",
        "Type": "Critical",
        "Message": "...",
        "Time": "..."
        "Name": "...",
        "Type": "Info",
        "Message": "...",
        "Time": "..."

How do I check if an alert of the type Critical exists anywhere in this array object I receive.

I am using angularjs.

You can do something like this

function find(arr, key, text){
    for(var i = arr.length; i--;){
        if(arr[i][key] === text) return i;
    return -1;


var index = find(jsonObject.Alerts, "Type", "Critical")

If you are searching angular kind of thing, Create a filter,

app.filter('checkCritical', function() {
    return function(input) {
         angular.forEach(input, function(obj) {
             if((obj.Type).toLowerCase() == 'critical') {
                return true;
         return false;


use this filter inside the controller

in controller,

var exists = $filter("checkCritical").(Alerts);

dont forget to inject the $filter in to the controller

If you have jQuery on the page.

var exists = $.grep(alerts, function (e) { return e.Type == 'Critical'; }).length > 0;

Note: alerts (as above) will be the array of alerts you have in your object there.




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