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GeoTIFF via JAI: No descriptor by name “tiff” is registered

when trying to read GeoTiff data using geotiff-jai, I am not able to register GeoTIFFDescriptor:

public void canGetTiffDecoder() {
    Iterator<ImageReader> reader = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("tiff");

    GeoTIFFDescriptor.register(); // this line is causing errors

When this test is executed, I am getting: No descriptor by name "tiff" is registered under mode "rendered".

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No descriptor by name "tiff" is registered under mode "rendered".
   at javax.media.jai.OperationRegistry.registerFactory(OperationRegistry.java:1173)
   at javax.media.jai.ThreadSafeOperationRegistry.registerFactory(ThreadSafeOperationRegistry.java:330)
   at javax.media.jai.OperationRegistry.registerRIF(OperationRegistry.java:2176)
   at org.libtiff.jai.operator.XTIFFDescriptor.register(XTIFFDescriptor.java:132)
   at org.geotiff.image.jai.GeoTIFFDescriptor.register(GeoTIFFDescriptor.java:48)
   at in.drifted.tiler.GeoTiffFile.main(GeoTiffFile.java:18)



    <!-- installed manually  -->
    <!-- http://sourceforge.net/projects/geotiff-jai -->  
    <!-- http://sourceforge.net/projects/xtiff-jai/ -->  

JDK 1.8, Win7

Any idea, why TIFF cannot be registered correctly?

Thanks, Jan

I've tracked down the issue. There is 'xtiff' GlobalName/LocalName specified in the original XTIFFDescriptor.java, but I thought it is 'tiff' (expecting there are no modifications in the following source: http://opensourcejavaphp.net/java/openjump/org/libtiff/jai/operator/XTIFFDescriptor.java.html

I got rid this issue by copying the modified class to my project which overrides that one in the xtiff-jai library.

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