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Can Sublime Text Autocomplete CSS Classes?

Suppose I have this in my index.html:

<div class="foo"></div>

And the HTML page is linked to layout.css, is there any way that Sublime Text 2 can make an autocomplete suggestion for .foo when I'm typing something like .f or .fo (...)?

I'm asking this because a lot of times I'm mistyping a class name and it's takes time to find that out. This feature, if exists, will help me a lot.

I've had that problem once.By default sublime only completes words on the opened file.I found that sublimeallautocomplete has a solution for that.But you have to open both css and html on sublime so that it looks words on files opened in sublime.you better look on sublimetext forums also.

Just installing All Autocomplete didn't solve the problem for me inside .css files (it worked only in .html files). For anyone having similar issue, this is the solution: https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/283

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