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IF binding not working as expected when using ko.mapping plugin

I have created two JSFiddle Examples for Mapping data with knockout.js.

(1) http://jsfiddle.net/9nn2qpp8/ without the ko.mapping plugin

var ViewModel = function() {
    var self = this;
    this.entries = [
        { name: "one", type: "file" },
        { name: "two", type: "folder" },
        { name: "three", type: "file" }


ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());

(2) http://jsfiddle.net/q49vfy6q/ using ko.mapping

var data = {entries: [
    { name: "one", type: "file" },
    { name: "two", type: "folder" },
    { name: "three", type: "file" }

var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(data);


Why is (2) not working in the same way as (1) regarding the evaluation of the if binding?

The mapping plugin is automatically wrapping everything as observables - you need to treat them as such in the if binding:

<!-- ko if: type() !== "file" -->

rather than:

<!-- ko if: type !== "file" -->

working fiddle

Because when you use the mapping, you convert each of the properties into an observable.

Every observable property is a function and so you need to execute the function to return the value inside.

See it working here: http://jsfiddle.net/q49vfy6q/1/

<table> <tbody data-bind="foreach: entries()"> <tr> <td> <!-- ko if: type() === "file" -->

You don't actually need to use mapping at all. You can pass data straight into applyBindings() :

var data = {entries: [
    { name: "one", type: "file" },
    { name: "two", type: "folder" },
    { name: "three", type: "file" }


JSFiddle demo .

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