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Inserting values from Vector to Map

i got some issues trying to put the values of my vector in a new map (maMap) If someone could explain me what contain my ItemIterator or how to do...

map<std::string,Employee*> Entreprise::convertiVectorMap() const
    map<std::string,Employee*> maMap;
    vector<Employee*>::const_iterator ItemIterator;
    for(ItemIterator = vector_employe.begin(); ItemIterator != vector_employe.end(); ItemIterator++)


You forgot to derefrence your iterator:


And since everyone asks for a revamped version of your code here we go:

map<std::string,Employee*> Entreprise::convertiVectorMap() const
    map<std::string,Employee*> maMap;
    for(vector<Employee*>::const_iterator ItemIterator = vector_employe.cbegin(), 
        ItemIteratorEnd = vector_employe.cend(); 
        ItmeIterator != ItemIteratorEnd; ++ItemIterator)
        Employee* ptr = *ItemIterator;

You can also use ranged based for if you're at least in C++11.

Your map is of <std::string, Employee*> , but you are trying to add an iterator as the second element of the pair . You need to dereference the iterator to get the Employee pointer.

maMap.insert(std::pair<string,Employee*>((*ItemIterator)->getNom(), *ItemIterator));

Or to save from dereferencing the same iterator twice, you could just use a range based for loop. As @CaptainObvlious mentions, you can also use std::make_pair to add to your map .

for(auto const employee: vector_employe)
    maMap.insert(std::make_pair(employee->getNom(), employee));

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