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PHP FOSRestBundle using PUT method

I am trying to use Symfony 2 with FOSRestBundle, I've got my GET and POST functions working fine and i've got it returning an array fine with PUT however i cannot get my query string or input.

I've tried the obvious $_POST , $_GET, $_PUT and even tried file_get_contents("php://input "); none of these return a query string.

I am lead to believe that PUT is used to update an existing entry which i am doing.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

That's documented here: https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/3-listener-support.md#param-fetcher-listener

Let me give you an example:

 * @View(statusCode=200)
 * @Put("/resource/{resource_id}")
 * @QueryParam(name="page", requirements="\d+", default="1", description="Page of the overview.")
public function putAction(ParamFetcher $paramFetcher)
    $page = $paramFetcher->get('page');

That way you'll be able to fetch query params.

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