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Awesomium click by tag C#

<a class="button" style="letter-spacing: -1px" href="/home" data-executing="0">Go Home</a>    

I am trying to get Awesomium to click a certain button, Take the example above there is no ID only a tag

<a - and attribute being Go Home   

I have been reading on how to do this and they say to use this:


This doesn't work for me, it doesn't produce the click. It could be because my test site has many tags using


Is there a way to click this button by using the attribute of "a" being "Go Home" in Awesomium? I have also tried this and it also did not work:

        private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (web.IsDocumentReady)

            dynamic document = web.ExecuteJavascriptWithResult("document");
            dynamic submit = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

If this element is not a <button> it probably doesn't have the click() method.

You can try this to check it:

JSObject btn = web.ExecuteJavascriptWithResult("document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]");
if (btn.HasMethod("click"))
    // no such method

or using dynamic (will throw exception if the method doesn't exist):

dynamic btn = (JSObject) web.ExecuteJavascriptWithResult("document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]");

You can use this for clicking such elements:

public void JsFireEvent(string getElementQuery, string eventName)
                        function fireEvent(element,event) {
                            var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
                            evt.initEvent(event, true, false ); // event type,bubbling,cancelable
                        " + String.Format("fireEvent({0}, '{1}');", getElementQuery, eventName));


JsFireEvent("document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]", "click");

JsFireEvent("document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]", "mouseup");

Also you may find these two simple helper classes useful: https://gist.github.com/AlexP11223/8286153

The first one is extension methods for WebView/WebControl and the second one has some static methods to generate JS code for retrieving elements (JSObject) by XPath + getting coordinates of JSObject)

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