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Awesomium - Return Javascript Result to C#

Javascript / HTML Code

<script type="text/javascript">
function configurator(clicked) { 
return clicked.name;   

<a name="link1" href="#" onclick="configurator(this)">Link 1</a>
<a name="link2" href="#" onclick="configurator(this)">Link 2</a>

I want to return the "clicked.name" value to let's say "result" variable in C# when onclick event on the link triggered. I don't know how to do that. Could someone help me...

Note: I'm still very new to Awesomium :)


I follow @JonnyReeves method with a little modified:

using (JSObject myGlobalObject = webControl1.CreateGlobalJavascriptObject("myGlobalObject"))
    myGlobalObject.Bind("onLinkClicked", true, (sen, eve) =>

but I got "Awesomium.Windows.Controls.WebControl" as result not the clicked link's name.

It looks like you you could make use of Awesomium's JSObject.bind method to invoke a C# method from JavaScript. A typical approach would be to expose a JavaScript global object which includes all your 'bridge' methods (ie: those that pass data between C# and JavaScript).

// Create and acquire a Global Javascript object.
// These object persist for the lifetime of the web-view.
using ( JSObject myGlobalObject = webView.CreateGlobalJavascriptObject( "myGlobalObject" ) )
    // The handler is of type JavascriptMethodEventHandler. Here we define it
    // using a lambda expression.
    myGlobalObject.Bind( "onLinkClicked", false, ( name ) =>
        Debug.Print( String.Format( "User clicked: {0}", name ) );
    } );

You can now invoke this method from your JavaScript code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function configurator(clicked) 

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