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PHP loaded configuration file not recognized

I am using APache 2.4 and PHP5.6 , I installed them manually, at first when I unzipped PHP there is no configuration file, apart from that there are two php files with ini.development and ini.production, when I set path of PHP files in Apache httpd.conf and try to run phpinfo() to get the details of the php installation , the page loads, but the php configuration file values are none, as a result when I deploy the application mysqli_extensions are shown as fatal errors, here are the values that are showing none

Loaded Configuration File (none)
Scan this dir for additional .ini files (none)
Additional .ini files parsed (none)

If someone have any suggestions please let me know

Depending on the server software, you're probably better off using a package manager like apt-get , yum or homebrew to install and maintain software like Apache and PHP.

That being said, the ini.development and ini.production files are references so that you can build your own php.ini file. To get started, just copy the appropriate file to create a default php.ini file ( cp ini.development php.ini ). You can then go through the php.ini file and fine-tune your configuration.

You might need to sudo apachectl restart for changes to take effect.

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