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Export iOS IPA file with eclipse (libGDX/RoboVM)

I'm trying to export my iOS libGDX project and I followed the instructions here . I have everything setup in iTunes Connect and I have both my Developer and Distribution Signing Certificates. I right click my iOS project in eclipse, choose RoboVM Tools --> Package for App Store/Ad-Hoc distribution, filled out the required fields and I get a message from Console saying

10/26/14 3:31:57 AM: [ INFO] Creating package in /Users/Me/Documents/myJavaStuff/myIOS Game/iOS IPA ...

But nothing happens after that. No error message, no other console messages and no file to import to Apple. Anyone else experience this?

Would this have anything to do with my info.plist.xml. I didn't touch a lot of these key strings except for CFBundleIdentifier


Well... I finally got it to work, but I took a route I was hoping I wouldn't take. I reinstalled my Eclipse, and all the different required plug-ins (Gradle, ADT, RoboVM, etc). Process which took an more than an hour. I was in Eclipse ver 4.3 but now I'm using 4.4 which is Eclipse Luna. But other than that, everything else is still the same but I am now able to export using RoboVM Tools --> Package for App Store/Ad-Hoc distribution. Weird, but whatever works...

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