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How reopen an already running node-webkit window app?

I currently have a node-webkit app for Mac and Windows. When you close the window, the app keeps running in the background and can be reopened trough the system tray.

I would like to let my users open the window from the executable (think the shortcut to the .exe on the desktop).

On Mac, I did this to allow users to open the window from the Dock :

var gui = require('nw.gui');

gui.App.on('reopen', function() {

But, according to the documentation, the 'reopen' event is a Mac only feature.

Is it possible to have the same behaviour on Windows ? How ?

Yes, there is no reopen feature provided for windows yet, but an alternative would be to use window.hide() and tray features as described in Tray .
In my application I have created custom buttons for minimise, maximise and close and provided following functions for them:

var gui = require('nw.gui');
var window = gui.Window.get();  
var isMaximised = false;

minimise: function(){
    var tray = new gui.Tray({title: 'Tray'});
    var menuTray = new gui.Menu();
    menuTray.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label : 'quit',
      click: function(){
    tray.menu = menuTray;

      tray = null;

maximise: function(){  
  if (isMaximized) {
    isMaximized = false;
  } else {
    isMaximized = true;

close: function(){  
   var tray = new gui.Tray({title: 'Tray'});
   var menuTray = new gui.Menu();
   menuTray.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label : 'quit',
       click: function(){
   tray.menu = menuTray;
     tray = null;

So on close of application by clicking close button, it hides app and creates a menuItem in tray(Dock). On click of icon in dock, it shows application back to user.
Only way application can be closed now is by doing a right-click on dock item and selecting quit button which closes application.

i had the issue and i have fix it using listen to open not reopen, here is simple code for your desktop case simple manifest Json "package.json" :

  "main": "index.html",
  "name": "reopen from Desktop",
  "width": 300,
  "height": 200

then a simple index.html file

   var gui = require('nw.gui');
   var win = gui.Window.get();
   //list to open and make the app show
   gui.App.on('open', function() {
   alert("file re-open");

   // prevent close and make it hide
   win.on('close', function() {
  <!-- forse close the app -->
   <center><br><br><input type="button" value="exit app" onclick="win.close(true)"></center>

then copy and past the node-webkit files for window on the same directory like normal package way then rename nw.exe to reopen.exe for example and then right click and create a desktop shortcut and open the exe file from the folder and click on close which will hide it then click on the desktop shortcut and it will re-show it "re-open" with an alert

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