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Call extension method on derived type


I need to create an extension method on a generic abstract class, but where only the base, non-generic abstract class is ever exposed. There will never be a concrete class which inherits directly from Abstract .


public abstract class Abstract { }

public abstract class Abstract<T> : Abstract { }

public class Concrete : Abstract<string> { }


public static Abstract GetConcrete()
    return new Concrete();

public static class Extensions
    public static void Extension<T>(this Abstract<T> a)


Abstract a = GetConcrete();


The above results in a compile-time error:

'Abstract' does not contain a definition for 'Extension' and no extension method 'Extension' accepting a first argument of type 'Abstract' could be found


I thought that adding an extension on Abstract but this doesn't allow me to cast to the more specific extension:

public static void Extension(this Abstract a)
    Abstract<?> cast = MagiclyCastToGeneric(a);

One way is to use the "magic" of dynamic :

public static void Extension(this Abstract a)

    dynamic d = a;


This causes the overload resolution to be done at run-time rather than compile-time - the DLR will choose the most specific version of the overload to be chosen, which is Extension(this Abstract<T>) .

Beware, if there were to be a concrete type directly inheriting Abstract then the above would cause a StackOverflowException .

In case you can't use DLR/dynamic as in dav_i's answer (ie you're on .Net2.0), you can do that in a similar way, manually. Pseudocode:

public static void Extension(this Abstract a)
    var actualType = a.GetType();
    var interestingBaseType = ...search basetypes of actualType for Abstract<T>
    var theTypeParameter = interestingBaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0];

    var genericMethodDef = typeof(Extensions).GetMethod("Extension");
    var concreteMethod = genericMethodDef.MakeGenericMethod(theTypeParameter);

    concreteMethod.Invoke(a, ....);

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