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PDF Viewer for Python Tkinter

I am currently looking for a possibility to display PDF Files inside a Tkinter application (displaying them eg in a Frame widget or similar).

Is there already a solution for this problem?

I already searched SO, used ddg an others but did not find anything for that purpose. Only thing I found was how to print the contents of a tk.Canvas to PDF - is there a way to load a PDF into a Canvas?

viranthas pypdfocr is not working properly with python 3.
For use with python 2, happily use the version below.

Finally I came to a solution I can work with.

Using pypdfocr and its pypdfocr_gs library I call


to retrieve jpg images and then I use PIL to get ImageTk.PhotoImage instances from it and use them in my code.


Will add a proper example as soon as I can.

As promised here comes the code

    import pypdfocr.pypdfocr_gs as pdfImg
    from PIL import Image, ImageTk
    import Tkinter as tk
    import ttk

    import glob, os


    #                             ^ this is needed for a "default"-Config


    ttk.Label(root, image=__tk_img).grid()



Using viranthas pypdfocr version there seems to be a bug inside the handling of Windows 10 and pythons subprocess:

# extract from pypdfocr_gs:
def _run_gs(self, options, output_filename, pdf_filename):
            cmd = '%s -q -dNOPAUSE %s -sOutputFile="%s" "%s" -c quit' % (self.binary, options, output_filename, pdf_filename)


            # Change this line for Windows 10:
            # out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
            out = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
# end of extract

Your search keywords are "python pdf parsing". Google turns up this SO question and pdfminer . There was also this review that settled on pdfminer as the best of a not-great choice, but it is two years older than the latest pdfminer release. There are also pdfminer versions for Py3 and for 2&3 .

2021, a way that worked for me on windows 10. From

pip install tkPDFViewer


# Importing tkinter to make gui in python
import os
from tkinter import *

# Importing tkPDFViewer to place pdf file in gui.
# In tkPDFViewer library there is
# an tkPDFViewer module. That I have imported as pdf
from tkPDFViewer import tkPDFViewer as pdf
# Initializing tk
root = Tk()

# Set the width and height of our root window.

# creating object of ShowPdf from tkPDFViewer.
v1 = pdf.ShowPdf()

# Adding pdf location and width and height.
v2 = v1.pdf_view(root,
                 width=50, height=100)

# Placing Pdf in my gui.

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