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Node.js and MongoDB if document exact match exists, ignore insert

I am maintaining a collection of unique values that has a companion collection that has instances of those values. The reason I have it that way is the companion collection has >10 million records where the unique values collection only add up to 100K and I use those values all over the place and do partial match lookups.

When I upload a csv file it is usually 10k to 500k records at a time that I insert into the companion collection. What is the best way to insert only values that dont already exist into the unique values collection?


//Insert large quantities of objects into mongo
    var bulkInsert = [
            name: "Some Name",
            other: "zxy",
            properties: "abc"
            name: "Some Name",
            other: "zxy",
            properties: "abc"
            name: "Other Name",
            other: "zxy",
            properties: "abc"
 //Need to insert only values that do not already exist in mongo unique values collection   
    var uniqueValues = [
            name:"Some Name"
            name:"Other Name"

EDIT I tried creating a unique index on the field, but once it finds a duplicate in the Array of documents that I am inserting, it stops the whole process and doesnt proceed to check any values after the break.

Figured it out. If your doing it from the shell, you need to use Bulk() and create insert jobs like this:

var bulk = db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
bulk.insert( { name: "1234567890a"} );
bulk.insert( { name: "1234567890b"} );
bulk.insert( { name: "1234567890"} );

and in node, the continueOnError flag works on a straight collection.insert()

collection.insert( [{name:"1234567890a"},{name:"1234567890c"}],{continueOnError:true}, function(err, doc){}

Well, I think the solution here is quite simple if I understand correctly your issue. Since the process is stopped when it finds a duplicated field you should basically check if the value doesn't already exists before to try to add it.

So, for each element in uniqueValues , make a find/findOne query, if it doesn't return any result then add the element, otherwise don't.

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