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Azure servicebus queue message handling

I have two consumers (different applications) connected to an Azure queue. I can either ReceiveAndDelete or PeekLock the messages and during consumption I can complete() or abandon() the message. Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh851750.aspx .

I'm sure I want to use PeekLock and then abandon() the messages, as I want them to be received in both applications. I figured I'd set the message lifetime on 10 seconds on the queue as a deletion mechanism.

However, as the messages seem to be deleted after 10 seconds, they keep being published in both applications over and over again during those 10 seconds. Should I create some custom duplication detection or am I using a wrong approach in general?

In my experience, when you use PeeKLock, you will need to almost always finalize using the Complete Method. The Abandon method is creating the duplicity as it's never marked as "done".

Have you considered using the Service Bus Topics/Subscriptions pattern, or perhaps Filters? If I understand your scenario correctly, it may be just what you need. You can send 2 messages to the queue with different topics or filters designating which app it is for.


Please let me know if this helps, or if this does not match your situation.

Kindest regards...

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