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removeFromSuperView don't work on iOS 8

I'm adding a view over my main view like this:

self.voteResult = [[voteResultViewController alloc]initWithNibName:@"voteResultViewController" bundle:nil];      
    UIWindow* mainWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];
    [mainWindow addSubview:[self.viewControllerForPresentation view]];
    [self.viewControllerForPresentation presentViewController:self.voteResult animated:YES completion:Nil];

And then removing it with this:

 [self.viewControllerForPresentation.view removeFromSuperview];

Works in iOS 7, but not longer in iOS 8, do I need to do anything different?

It looks like you're doing too much work here. You're adding self.viewControllerForPresentation.view to the view yourself using -addSubview: , but you're also presenting the view controller using -presentViewController:animated:completion: . That method presents the view controller in question, which should then take care of adding the view to the view hierarchy. To remove the view, you'd use -dismissViewControllerAniamted:completion: and that in turn should remove the view appropriately.

In short, either add and remove the view yourself using -addSubview: and -removeFromSuperview , or present the view controller that owns the view using -presentViewController:animated:completion: and dismiss it using -dismissViewControllerAniamted:completion: . Don't to do both.


 [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:voteResult completion:nil];

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