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How can I add an image header to my php mail form?

So I have a standardized mail form that has certain generated details that must accompany it including a header image.
I am trying to find out how to add the image to the text form for when I send it.
I have

$img_path = 'image12.jpg';  //declaration

  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

    echo "<tr>";  

    echo 'Test';
    echo '<td width="450"><textarea name="genericemail">'.$img_path .$emailContent.'</textarea></td>'; 
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</tr>";   
echo "</table><p>";     

I tried adding img_path to it but it won't work. I'm taking over from someone elses code which I always find difficult. All I get with this is the name of the img ("image12")

And yes I havnt done PHP in a while

Here's the PHP for pulling the form info

$fullName = $firstName . " " . $lastName;
    $imageFile = str_replace = '<img src="http://css-tricks.com/examples/WebsiteChangeRequestForm/images/wcrf-header.png" alt="Website Change Request" />';  //Header here is just a place holder
    $updatedEmailText = str_replace("%name%", fieldHtmlFormat($firstName), $updatedEmailText);
    $updatedEmailText = str_replace("%firstname%", fieldHtmlFormat($firstName), $updatedEmailText);
    $updatedEmailText = str_replace("%lastname%", fieldHtmlFormat($lastName), $updatedEmailText);
    $updatedEmailText = str_replace("%duration%", fieldHtmlFormat($durationOfStay), $updatedEmailText);
    $updatedEmailText = str_replace("%destination%", fieldHtmlFormat($arrivalCity), $updatedEmailText); 
    $updatedEmailText = str_replace("%travel%", fieldHtmlFormat($travel), $updatedEmailText);   
    return $updatedEmailText;   .  

changed code:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
        echo "<tr>";  

        echo 'Test';
 //LINE 50'<td width="450"><textarea name="genericemail"><imgsrc="'.$img_path.'"/>'.$emailContent.'</textarea></td>'    }//LINE50
    echo "</tr>";   
    echo "</table><p>";

You need to add <img> tag in order to show the photo.

Replace the line:

echo '<td width="450"><textarea name="genericemail">'.$img_path .$emailContent.'</textarea></td>'; 

With this line:

echo '<td width="450"><textarea name="genericemail"><img src="'.$img_path.'"/>'.$emailContent.'</textarea></td>';

And also make sure that you have the correct file/url path for $img_path .

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