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Form button keeps showing results in new window

Very new to html and javascript here. I get the following form up and it calculates correctly but the result shows up in a new page. I'd like it to stay in the same page. Not sure what I did wrong here. Also, is there any way to shorten the function? Seems like a lot of work to do a simple calculation. Any help would be great.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function add(x,y){
        var x = document.add1.add2.value;
        var y = document.add1.add3.value;
        var x = Number(x);
        var y = Number(y);
        var z = x+y;
        return (z);
    <h3>Help me stack overflow you're my only hope!</h3>

    <form name="add1">
    Input first number to add: <input type="number" name="add2">
    2nd number: <input type="number" name="add3">
    <input type="button" value="Result"
    onclick = "document.write('The total is: ' + add() + '.');" />


Dont' use document.write to display data, it overwrites entire document. You don't want that. It's better to create new function which would render result into some other element:

<input type="button" value="Result" onclick="showResult('The total is: ' + add() + '.');" />

and the showResult function can be for example:

function showResult(result) {
    document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = result;


<div id="result"></div>

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/7ujzn35c/

Here are also a couple of general improvements you can make your code:

  1. move string manupulations to showResult completely:

     <input type="button" value="Result" onclick="showResult()" /> 


  2. call add from inside showResults

     onclick="showResult(this.form.add2.value, this.form.add3.value)" 



First of all, This should be <title> Help! </title> <title> Help! </title>

Secondly, document.write function actually starts writing the entire page anew.

You should either replace onclick = "document.write('The total is: ' + add() + '.');" with

onclick = "alert('The total is: ' + add() + '.');" 

Better still, you could create a div element like so

<title> Help! </title>




<div id = 'output'> </div> ...


 `onclick = "document.getElementById("output").innerHTML =  'The total is: ' + add() + '.';"

And don't give up. Hope this helps you

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