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Xampp Vhost not working with different port

I created a virtual host in xampp. I cannot use port 80 so I'm using port 8080. I then call servername:8080 to get the index.php. It works fine but I cannot do an ajax call, then an error occurs. What is wrong?


   DocumentRoot "somepath"
   ServerName servername
   <directory "somepath">
      usual stuff here

Call index.php


Error ajax

GET http://servername:8080/contact.html 404 (Not Found) 
jquery-2.1.0.min.js:4l.cors.a.crossDomain.send jquery-2.1.0.min.js:4o.extend.ajax 
jquery- 2.1.0.min.js:4o.(anonymous function) jquery-2.1.0.min.js:4start_loading
 main.js:516click_internal_link main.js:547(anonymous function) 
main.js:670o.event.dispatch jquery-2.1.0.min.js:3r.handle

Try this: (open by xampp panel the Apache config and in the end add the following:)

Setting Up Your VHOST

    The following is a sample VHOST you might want to consider for your project.


VHOST for Windows

<VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/..." 
   ServerName localhost

   # This should be omitted in the production environment
   #SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
   #SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV production

   <Directory "C:/xamp/htdocs/...">
       Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
       AllowOverride All
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all

AND this: in your windows hosts

    Edit hosts: localhost

Good luck ;)

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