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HealthVault app not supported in your location

I have created an demo application using healthvault sdk application manager and registered the application on healthvault ppe.when i run the application its runs perfectly and fetches and displays data from healthvault.

I have used same application ID and certificate for another application and when i try to run the 2nd application its gives following error/message

We're sorry. MyHealthVaultDemo is not supported in your location. "You won't be able to use MyHealthVaultDemo because of an account location mismatch with this app. "

can anyone help me what is wrong with the 2nd application which is using registered AppID ,which works fine for the first application.. Thanks

It's likely that the certificate that you are re-using is setup for an application that is restricted to a particular HealthVault instance which isn't accessible from your geographical location.

The following links provide detail on the available instances:


I'd recommend using the HealthVault Application Manager (available as part of the .NET Sdk) to generate a new certificate and application Id.

Alternatively, if you're not using the .NET Sdk, you could setup a new application directly via the Application Configuration Center ( https://config.healthvault-ppe.com )

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