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WPF Binding in TextBlock.Text to Validation.Errors not working

I have an ItemsControl which is validated by an object on the DataContext that implements INotifyDataErrorInfo. The intended effect is for the validation error to show below the control in a TextBlock, rather than the conventional red border and tooltip style.

Upon validation, my TextBlock appears, but it's Text is empty - there's something wrong with my binding to the validation error, but I can't figure out what.

Also, the TextBlock overlaps the control below the ItemsControl it rather than making extra space for itself. How can I solve these issues?

<ItemsControl ...>
                <AdornedElementPlaceholder />
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
                    Path=(Validation.Errors).CurrentItem.ErrorContent}" />

I got the same problem as your first issue a few days ago. When I examine the control inside the ErrorTemplate by using Snoop, I found out that the DataContext inside the ErrorTemplate is already of type ReadOnlyObservableCollection<ValidationError> . So you can just use <TextBlock Text="{Binding CurrentItem.ErrorContent}" /> , no need for casting and setting the RelativeResource .

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