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PHP variable as Javascript variable name

I know this kind of post is frequently found on internet. But my problem is a little bit more dificult and I did not find an answer.

I want to make an associative array in Javascript in a loop with a variable name. ($JJ = table of object) ($JJ->getResto($DB,$acad) allows me to recover my database datas)

$JJ = new RestaU();  
$JJ = $JJ->getResto($DB,$acad);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= sizeof($JJ)-1; $i++) {
        //Datas recovering
        $lat = $JJ[$i]->loc_lat;
        $long = $JJ[$i]->loc_long;
        $name = $JJ[$i]->nom;
        $ville = $JJ[$i]->ville;

        //String treatment to avoid spaces
        $ville = str_replace(" ","",$ville);
        $name = str_replace(" ","",$name);

echo <<< SC
            //here $ville will contain an google map object associated to the ville name.
            //It means that I need to change it for each "for" loop.

            var $ville = new Object();

            //that is why here I need to have $ville["name"] to generate a table for each city 
            //and have an access to it later.
            $ville+["name"] = new google.maps.LatLng($lat,$long);

My problem is, I can not find the solution to right for example ville1["name"]. Each time the code is not "interpreted" it means I can have the string but it does not create my array.

Thank you a lot for all your ideas!

SOLUTION IN COMMENT. I used that : var string = "$ville"; window[string]["name"] = "blabla";

It works really well.

php is server language and javascript is clint browser language!
in fact you can't share variables!
But you can print variables to javascript code like:

  var myvar = '<?php echo $myvar; ?>';

if you want to send variables from javascript to php you must use Ajax
for array

    $array = array('index1'=>'hellow World!','index2'=>'Iran haven`t nuclear bomb');
    echo 'var arryname = new Array();';
    foreach($array as $key=>$val){
      echo "\n arryname['{$key}'] = '{$val}';";

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