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How do I get data type of property in a class through Reflection C#

I have a namespace called MyNamespace.Demo1 , one static class called STClass and one property inside that class called prpAssm . How do I get the data-type of property prpAssm ?

Type classType = typeof(STClass);
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = classType.GetProperty("prpAssm");
Type propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;

if the class is in another project you should load the assembly.

var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(@"MyNamespace.Demo1.dll");
Type classType = assembly.GetType("MyNamespace.Demo1.STClass");
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = classType.GetProperty("prpAssm");
Type propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;


Try this:- (Use PropertyInfo )

Assembly myAss = Assembly.LoadFile(@"YourAssemblyPath.dll");
Type myType = myAss.GetType("MyNamespace.Demo1.STClass");
PropertyInfo myProp = myType.GetProperty("prpAssm");

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