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get value after dash in Get Cookie in Javascript

Im getting the value of cookie,

Issue : in value after dash only that has to be printed, example below :

Key : agc

value : @MALLAPS-MCO

By trying out the below code im getting complete value " @MALLAPS-MCO " instead of only MCO

JS :

 function getCookie(name){
        var pattern = RegExp(name + "=.[^;]*")
        matched = document.cookie.match(pattern)
            var cookie = matched[0].split('=')
            return cookie[1]
        return false

Appreciate for your help.

your split() with = only gets you till value "@MALLAPS-MCO" , you need to split() it again, as:

function getCookie(name){
    var pattern = RegExp(name + "=.[^;]*")
    matched = document.cookie.match(pattern)
        var cookie = matched[0].split('=')
        //split "@MALLAPS-MCO" again using "-" as delimiter
        return cookie[1].split("-")[1];
    return false

You can also solve this using just one regex:

function getCookie(name){
    var pattern = RegExp(name + "=.[^;]*")
    matched = document.cookie.match(pattern)
        var pattern = ".*-(.*)"
        return matched[0].match(pattern)[1]; 
    return false

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