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Run gulp on changed files in jade

I have gulp watching jade prototypes in a /source folder, structure as follows:


Here's the gulp task:

gulp.task('jade', function() {
    return gulp.src(['source/**/*.jade'])
    .pipe(changed('build/prototypes/', {extension: '.html'}))
        pretty: true
    .on('error', gutil.log)
    .pipe(notify({ message: 'Jade task is complete' }));

The prototypes are compiled into:


The problem is that all prototypes are still getting re-compiled when any of them is changed. Is this perhaps because of the way I'm nesting the prototypes in folders?

The gulp-changed documentation says that the first parameter is

The destination directory. Same as you put into gulp.dest().

Try to replace the line

.pipe(changed('build/prototypes/', {extension: '.html'}))


.pipe(changed('build', {extension: '.html'}))

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