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Rails 4.1.5 Engine's Routes Not Showing Up In Rake Routes — Believe It's Naming Convention

So I am working on trying to add a Rails 4.1.5 engine/plugin to our project which are then loaded by rails. Running rake routes shows the other engines which I have modeled my code after but I believe I may be running into issues with Rails naming conventions which I am not familiar with. For the purpose of I've created the engine using the following command:

rails plugin new modules/admin/new_functions --skip-bundle --full

This created the skeleton for the engine. I ensured that I used a plural name for the engine per this piece of Rails documentation. My controller is:

module Admin
    class NewFunctionsController < AdminController
        def index

        def create

My config/routes.rb file is as follows. I'm unsure if the resources :new_functions correctly maps to the controller I have but I'm not sure what the correct form would be.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
    namespace :admin do
        resources :new_functions

The directory structure is:

|-- app
    |-- assets
          |-- javascripts
              |-- admin
                  |-- new_functions
                      |-- supporting javascript files
    |-- controllers
          |-- new_functions_controller.rb
    |-- views
          |-- admin
              |-- new_functions
                  |-- supporting HTML/ERB files
|-- config
    |-- routes.rb
|-- lib
    |-- new_functions.rb
    |-- new_functions
          |-- engine.rb
          |-- version.rb
|-- test
    |-- new_functions_test.rb
    |-- test_helper.rb
|-- Gemfile
|-- Gemfile.lock
|-- Rakefile
|-- new_functions.gemspec

Would greatly appreciate any advice that you may have regarding identifying this issue and fixing it. Any steps or reading that I can do to find the issue would also be helpful.

Thank you all for your time.

After further research it seems as though someone had added "Spring" to the application, which caches rake routes . Stopping spring bin/spring stop and then running rake routes fixed the issue with the routes not appearing.

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