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AsyncEx DeferralManager for awaiting event handlers

I have a similar problem stated in this thread and according to Stephen Cleary's comment, WinRT's solution is to use deferrals. The solution indicated in the thread also works for me but I wanted to try out using deferrals since it might be or become the standard way of handling this kind of situation.

So I read his blog about it and tried to apply it to my code, but I can't seem to get it to work. What's happening is that event subscription is still not being awaited. I also couldn't find any full sample program that I can run and analyze. So I tried creating a sample console program to demonstrate the problem that I was seeing.

First I have the event handler delegate and event arguments definitions:

public delegate void CancelEventHandlerAsync(object sender, CancelEventArgsAsync e);

public class CancelEventArgsAsync : CancelEventArgs
    private readonly DeferralManager _deferrals = new DeferralManager();

    public IDisposable GetDeferral()
        return this._deferrals.GetDeferral();

    public Task WaitForDefferalsAsync()
        return this._deferrals.SignalAndWaitAsync();

Then the child module definition that is the event sender:

public class ChildModule1
    public event CancelEventHandlerAsync ChildModuleLaunching;

    public async Task Launch()
         var cancelEventArgs = new CancelEventArgsAsync();
         this.ChildModuleLaunching(this, cancelEventArgs);
         if (cancelEventArgs.Cancel) 

         Console.WriteLine("Child module 1 launched."); // This should not be executed.

Then the parent class that subscribes to the child module event:

public class Parent
    private ChildModule1 child1 = new ChildModule1();

    public Parent()
        this.child1.ChildModuleLaunching += this.OnChildModule1Launching;

    public async Task Process()
        await this.child1.Launch();

    private async void OnChildModule1Launching(object sender, CancelEventArgsAsync e)
        var deferral = e.GetDeferral();

        await Task.Delay(2500); // Simulate processing of an awaitable task.
        e.Cancel = true;


Finally, the console app entry point:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var parent = new Parent();



您需要await WaitForDefferalsAsync调用:

await cancelEventArgs.WaitForDefferalsAsync();

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