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Get the MAC address of an XBee using Node.js

My Node.js app is using xbee-api to allow an XBee connected via a serial port to communicate wirelessly with other XBees. The local XBee is in API Coordinator mode.

How can I query the XBee (physically connected via serial port) to get its 64 bit MAC address SH and SL ?

I tried writing the following frame to serial,

var frame_obj = {
    type: xbee_api.constants.FRAME_TYPE.AT_COMMAND,
    command: 'SH',
      commandParameter: []

but I receive four bytes [ 0, 19, 162, 0 ] which makes no sense...

frame: { type: 136,
   id: 2,
   command: 'SH',
   commandStatus: 0,
   commandData: [ 0, 19, 162, 0 ] }


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