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How to filter System generated mail in Java Using Exchange Web Service

嗨,我正在使用EWS api 1.2从Exchange Outlook Web服务获取电子邮件标题,我们需要过滤系统生成的邮件,因为这会增加我们的运行性能,是否有任何方法可以实现,或者是否有其他任何Exchange属性,对提取电子邮件后的过滤有用吗?

System Generated mails can be generated in almost all Exchange servers,for eg in outlook you can create certain rules and let system handle the incoming/outgoing mails baased on the conditions specified.

Same is with gmail,here we have canned replies.

Other examples are when a person goes in vacation,he/she can use the autoreply functionality present in different srvers to generate system gebnerated mails

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