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Add a rounding method to Number.prototype in JavaScript

How can I simplify rounding in JavaScript? I wish that I could do it in a more elegantly in an object-oriented manner. The method toFixed works well, but does not have backward rounding and it also returns a string and not a number.

// 3.14

As it is, rounding is a bit of a tangle because I have to use:

pi = Math.round(pi * 100) / 100;
// 3.14

It would be much nicer instead just to stick a method to the end of a variable, such as:

// 3.1r

Extend Number.prototype. Numbers in Javascript are a data type that is associated with the built-in object "Number." Add the following polyfill block:

if (!Number.prototype.round) {
    Number.prototype.round = function (decimals) {
        if (typeof decimals === 'undefined') {
            decimals = 0;
        return Math.round(
            this * Math.pow(10, decimals)
        ) / Math.pow(10, decimals);

Anywhere after this, you can round numbers by sticking .round() to the end of them. It has one optional parameter that determines the number of decimals. For example:


You can also use backward rounding with negative numbers such as:

x = 54321;
// 50000

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/g2n2fbmq/


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