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Setting the value of FilteringSelect Dojo

I have a FilteringSelect with a jsonRest and ObjectStore

var store = new JsonRest({
        target: "categories"

var select = new FilteringSelect({
        store: ObjectStore({objectStore: store}),
        searchAttr: "id",
        invalidMessage : "Error"

The problem is when I try to set the default value, it doesn't change and makes a request to the url with the value appended. For example, if I do this:

this.select .set("value", "Hello");

it doesn't appear nothing in the select and makes a request to "categories/Hello"

Thank you

Since you are using set('value', id) , the get(id, ?options) method of the backing store is called to obtain the item so the widget has the label to display. You are using dojo/store/JsonRest , so the item ID is appended to the URL for the XHR call.

If you have the item you want to set then use set('item', item) .

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