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How manually create first request for asp.net mvc on iis7.5 when every time restart or release the website?

You guys all know: on IIS7.5 the first request very slow . So I think maybe I can manually create a request when every time the website start, restart, after cycle time finish.....so on.

I'm search a lot , then I found Auto starting feature: http://www.schwammysays.net/auto-starting-websites-on-iis-7-5/

after I add this, I manually create a request in Application_Start() on Global.asax

protected void Application_Start()
     ''    original logic here     ''

 System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(new Action(() =>
                    // send request after 100 second
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 100 * 1);
                    WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
                    using (Stream stream = webClient.OpenRead(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InitialPath"]))
                        if (stream.CanRead)
                            log.Debug("warm success");
                            log.Debug("can't read");

                catch (Exception ex)

but problem is : 1. that only fired when the IIS7.5 cycle time finish. not fired when restart website, start, or release it(even change web.config). 2. Some website still not fired, I don't understand.

So I'm searching Is there any other way can fired Application_Start() or create a request when website start, change, restart, IIS cycle time finish? My server is : windows server 2008 r2

The search term you are looking for is "application warm up".

You can use Application Initialization Module for IIS 7.5 . Setup instructions can be found here and here . Note that you need to make some edits to the applicationHost.config , and you need to set it up specifically for your .NET framework version.

You can then have something like this in your web.config

     doAppInitAfterRestart="true" >
   <add initializationPage="/" />

This will send a request to the root of your app ( initializationPage="/" ) every time your app starts automatically.

Answer found here .

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