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Tomcat 7 & 8 do not start under YOSEMITE and Java JDK SE 8 - missing ExtendedPlatformComponent

Maybe someone did have this before (and possibly solved it)

On a mac book pro with Yosemite I installed Java 8 "1.8.0_40-ea" with JDK.

My $JAVA_HOME is /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_40.jdk/Contents/Home

Then I downloaded a tomcat 8 core from http://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi When I start this tomcat 8 I get the following Java exception - see below.

With this Java 8 also my older tomcat 7 throws the same exception.

It seems that sun/management/ExtendedPlatformComponent be not part of tomcat 8 nor java 8

The method ExtendedPlatformComponent should be inside a rt.jar file but is not. This seems to be a bug in JDK SE 8 for mac :(

Does anyone have some hints for me? I cannot figure our what is wrong ... I would simply add that class to rt.jar but cannot even find that class...

PS: The exception on start (/bin/startup.sh):
22-Nov-2014 18:43:02.218 SEVERE [main]
    org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.startElement Begin event threw
    error * java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/management/ExtendedPlatformComponent*
        at java.lang.management.ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(ManagementFactory.java:494)
        at org.apache.tomcat.util.modeler.Registry.getMBeanServer(Registry.java:443)
        at ...

There seems to be an issue with update 40 Early Access release of jre/jdk8(1.8.0_40). Compared with update 20 of jre/jdk8 release, you will see following lines of code has been added to getPlatfromMBeanServer:

        for (final PlatformManagedObject o :
                                   ExtendedPlatformComponent.getMXBeans()) {
            if (!platformMBeanServer.isRegistered(o.getObjectName())) {
                addMXBean(platformMBeanServer, o);

But if you look into the accompanied rt.jar of the jre, this newly introduced class(ExtendedPlatformComponent) can NO-WHERE be found.

This issue, seems to be there across all the JAVA_VERSION="1.8.0_40" EA release, irrespective of platform.

Your remedy is to move back to a stable release. Latest stable release seems to be Java SE 8u25.

我遇到了同样的问题,升级到1.8.0_40 ea build 20(于2014年12月31日发布),并修复了该问题。

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