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how to use system environment variables in boto

I have exported AWS ACCESS KEY and SECRET via the environment variables, is there way to use those variables in the boto script instead of writing them to a file on the system? I don't want to write the key and secret in any file on the remote server.

If by use you mean read them and feed them into boto: You don't need to do that. Boto reads them, and in all calls which would usually expect the aws_access_key_id= and aws_secret_access_key= parameters, you just leave them out altogether. Hence a call like this would work without problems:

# note that we don't pass any credentials here...

conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region("eu-west-1")

Just be sure the environment variables are set correctly. These are the correct names to use:


More details here: http://boto.readthedocs.org/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html#introduction

Boto查找环境变量AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ,如果环境中存在它们,它将使用它们。

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