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Testing a django post view with curl

I have the following POST method in django view.

def create_rule(request, rule_name, threshold, alert_value):
rule_name = request.GET.get('rule_name')
threshold = request.GET.get('threshold')
alert_value = request.GET.get('alert_value')
if request.method == 'POST' and rule_name is not None:
    user = get_current_user(request)
    rule = models.Rule(name=rule_name, user=user, threshold=threshold, 
                       alert_value=alert_value, is_internal=False)

Now I am trying a curl from command line as follows:

curl --data "rule_name=TOTAL_REQUESTS&threshold=2&alert_value=2" http://localhost:8000/rules/create/

It throws an error telling.

Exception Type: TypeError at /rules/create/ Exception Value: create_rule() takes exactly 4 arguments (1 given)

I am passing the arguments from curl . Why is that the post is not receiving those.

You are getting the parameters from the request, but you have also defined them as method arguments, you should remove them from the signature:

def create_rule(request):
    rule_name = request.GET.get('rule_name')
    threshold = request.GET.get('threshold')
    alert_value = request.GET.get('alert_value')
    if request.method == 'POST' and rule_name is not None:
        user = get_current_user(request)
        rule = models.Rule(name=rule_name, user=user, threshold=threshold, 
                       alert_value=alert_value, is_internal=False)

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