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TreeView (TreeItem) - get hierarchy index possible?

I have a TreeView that looks like this:

- - Child1
- - Child2
- - - Subchild1
- - Child99

Is there a method or a simple way to get the hierarchical index of a TreeItem in the tree?

For example:

Parent1 would have a hierarchical index of 0 .

Child1 would have a hierarchical index of 1 .

Subchild1 would have a hierarchical index of 2 .

Parent2 would have a hierarchical index of 0 .

Child99 would have a hierarchical index of 1 .

The only thing that gets on mind is using Java Reflect API, getSuperclass() method, as Java doc says: http://da2i.univ-lille1.fr/doc/tutorial-java/reflect/class/getSuperclass.html

Please see the following Example:

public class Subclass{

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map map = new HashMap();
        Map map2 = new HashMap();

    static void printSuperclasses(Object o) {
        Class subclass = o.getClass();
        Class superclass = subclass.getSuperclass();
        int i=0;
        while (superclass != null) {
           String className = superclass.getName();
           System.out.println(className+" "+i);
           subclass = superclass;
           superclass = subclass.getSuperclass();

The output provided by this example is:

java.util.AbstractMap 1

java.lang.Object 2

java.util.AbstractMap 1

java.lang.Object 2

That means that in hierarchy the parent of Map object is AbstractMap(index 1), and the parent of AbstractMap is Object (index 2).

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