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Codeigniter get variable (with post value) from another function in one class

Here is my scenario. I have a form with date input that I use as a variable input in my model.

Here is my view for displaying form v_soaotc_daily_index.php

<form class="form_horizontal" method = "post" action="<?php echo site_url('soaotc/getDaily');?>">
         <!-- Date Input name="date_daily" -->

The form is processed in controller getDaily()

function getDaily(){
        $date_daily = $this->input->post('date_daily');
            'title'=>'SOA_OTC - Daily',


$day will return an array that i will display as a chart using highchart. So i encode json for this array in another function and use POST variable from getDaily()

function daily_json(){
        $this->getDaily(); <!-- connecting to getDaily() -->


        echo json_encode($result, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);

I print_r($day) in view and the result is ok. But the chart can't display because there is no JSON returned from daily_json() . Kindly help me for this. Thank you

As per your description, you should return the JSON value and then print it.

But, you are printing it:

echo json_encode($result, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);

Change it to:

return json_encode($result, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);

And in view, echo it.

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