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Laravel - Add custom column in select with Eloquent query buider

this is a simplified use case, only to illustrate what I want to achieve:

Considering this query in pure SQL:

SELECT url, 1 AS active
FROM  `modules` 

How can I add the constant active column using query builder ?

Here is my Query Builder without the extra column:


最简单的方法是使用DB :: raw

     DB::table('modules')->get(['url', DB::raw('1 as active')]);

We can add subquery or "custom column" in select with first argument of \\Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder::selectSub method as raw SQL or Closure , or \\Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder . Better solution is closure or Builder . In your case it will be:

$modules = DB::table('modules')->select('url')
    ->selectSub(function ($query) {
    }, 'active')

Tested on Laravel 5.5 . In closure $query is a object of \\Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder for subquery. Prepared SQL will be:

select `url`, (select 1) as `active` from `modules`

Extended example... If we use App\\Module eloquent for modules and we need get url of modules and count of their submodules with id > 5 , we can write next:

$modules = App\Module::select('url')
    ->selectSub(function ($query) {

        /** @var $query \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */
              ->where('id', '>', 5)
              ->whereRaw('`modules`.`id` = `submodules`.`module_id`');

    }, 'countOfSubModules')

Prepared SQL will be:

select `url`, 
   (select COUNT(*) from `submodules`
       where `id` > ? and `modules`.`id` = `submodules`.`module_id`)
   as `countOfSubModules` 
from `modules`

Or you can write your example with raw sql :

$sql = 'SELECT 1';
$modules = DB::table('modules')->select('url')->selectSub($sql, 'active')->get();

Then prepared SQL will be:

select `id`, (SELECT 1) as `active` from `modules`

For get all columns necessarily to use select('*') :

App\Module::select('*')->selectSub($sql, 'text')->get();

Not :

App\Module::selectSub($sql, 'text')->get();

Alternative solution if you are using eloquent

$people = Modules::select([
            DB::raw("(SELECT 'CUSTOM_FIELD') as custom_field")

Laravel Eloquent has very flexible query builder.

You can specify a column to return as:

$users = DB::table('modules')->select('1 as active')->get(['url']);

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