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Value of “this” in a JS constructor function returns “undefined”

So i have a constructor function

    var APP = function(name){

        this.appName = name


And a prototype function

    APP.prototype.test = function(){



Then i create a new APP() and try out the test function.

    var app = new APP("ieps")
    var testing = app.test

    console.log(app.test()) // returns "ieps"
    console.log(testing()) // returns undefined

Why is it that testing() is returning undefined? testing() should do the same thing as app.test() since i'm just referencing app.test.

You would have to bind the object to the function

var app = new APP("ieps");
var testing = app.test.bind(app);



EDIT: From the MDN docs for .bind :

"The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called."

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