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Cross Origin ajax “POST” request failing

I have a webservice(REST) running on localhost:8080, to call the webservice I use this jquery code:

        type: "POST",
        url: "http://localhost:8080/user/register",
        data: '{"name": "' + name + '","email": "' + email + '","password": "' + password + '"}',
         beforeSend: function(x) {
              if(x && x.overrideMimeType) {
        Accept : "application/json",
        contentType: "application/json",
        success: registerUser_success_callback,
        error: registerUser_error_callback

When I try to call this javascript from the same domain(ie localhost:8080), it work just like a charm!. Here is the screen shot of the same: 在此处输入图片说明

But when I try to access the same from a different domain(ie localhost:80), it fails, and surprisingly instead of a POST, it sends out a GET and I also get a log in my server's log file, saying that the GET method not supported for REST resource. Here is the screen of the same: 在此处输入图片说明

From what I have read on internet(especially here , great article!), cross domain request should first send out an OPTIONS request(which is cached for later usage.) What is going wrong in my case?

I have tried calling the rest service with same parameters using FireFox's plugin RESTClient, I was able call the rest service(POST method) successfully, so this mostly is the issue with ajax part.

Help me resolve this cors hell! and do lemme know if I need to share any more details on this.

PS: After @A. Wolff Suggested, I changed the data tyoe from jsonp to json, now my browser sends out OPTIONS, but after that it doesn't send the actual POST request!!!

Well, some more digging and I found the solution to this!

After the change A. Wolff suggested, browser was sending out an OPTIONS request and was receiving a 200 response, but after that actual POST request was not being sent to the server.

Problem was, if you send any specific headers, "Content-Type" in my case, server has to add that header in "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" field of the response(response of OPTIONS request). I changed my server side code to populate that field in the response header, and VOILA!

Hope this will be helpful to others, too!

Happy Coding.

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