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Maven multi modules tomcat deployment , module missing

I have two module in parent pom. A project depends on B project. I followed here

In A project , i added B project as dependency. Its ok in build path, I see my B project under maven dependencies.


But when I deploy A project into Tomcat(mvn tomcat7:deploy ,or redeploy) , A project was deployed successfully but B project(packaging as jar) wasn't deployed. (Also I tried to system scope and target the jar file with systemPath)

I didn't understand where is the issue, Did i miss something? (Using Tomcat8 , no eclipse specific answer please.)

Can you try mvn install and manually copy the generated war to tomcat7 folder. Maybe something is wrong with tomcat7 maven plugin.

Additional Information: In .m2 repository there wasn't project B's jar , installed it and changed tomcat7 plugin as this solution alternetive to maven war plugin and configured outputfolder tomcat8's webapps folder, now it works like a charm.

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